Group picture June 2024
Current Team Members
Yanathip Thipmaungprom (PhD candidate, Utrecht University)
Kyriacos Nicolaou (PhD candidate, Utrecht University)
Konstantina Forti (MSc Student, MCLS, Utrecht University)
Anna Delhaas (MSc Student, Bioinformatics and Biocomplexity, Utrecht University)
Principle Investigator
Dr. rer. nat. Florian Berger
Assistant Professor for Theoretical Biophysics | Utrecht University
R. Belousov, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany
A. Hendricks, McGill, Montreal, Canada
A. Gennerich, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, New York, USA
A. Akhmanova , Utrecht Universtiy
B. Mulder, AMOLF & Utrecht University
L. Kapitein, Utrecht University
H. MacGillavry, Utrecht University
Former Team Members
Friso Grace (Summer intern, University of St Andrews, UK)
Myrthe Versteijnen (MSc Student, Bioinformatics and Biocomplexity, Utrecht University)
Diana Jiang (MSc Student, Neuroscience and Cognition, Utrecht University)
Oscar Klock (MSc Student, Neuroscience and Cognition, Utrecht University)
Nian Vervoort (MSc Student, MCLS, Utrecht University)
Jakob Schröder (MSc Student, Physics, Utrecht University)
Petrit Sadiku (MSc Student, MCLS, Utrecht University)
Christopher Eseroglou (MSc Student, Physics, Utrecht University)
Nemo Andrea (MSc Student, Casimir, TU Delft)
Oane J. Gros (MSc Student, MCLS, Utrecht University)
Michel Hamakers (MSc Student, Biology, Wageningen University)